Motion to:
adjourn 69m, 70
call of the assembly 83
delete and substitute: indivisible
80 (3)
end debate 71
lift call: majority of current membership (roll call
required) 86 (3), 87 (2)
postpone: not permitted in special, extended,
or extraordinary session 93 (5)
postpone indefinitely: limitations
postpone to a day certain: limitations
recess; when same as motion to adjourn 69m
reconsider 73
in special, extended, or extraordinary session
93 (6)
refer to committee: limitations
suspend rules 90
table 74
withdraw from committee 15 (2), (3), 74 (3)
Motions, general procedures:
amendments to, must be germane
definition of “motion" 95 (49)
dilatory, which are 69
division, when proper 80 (1)
may be withdrawn with consent of assembly
66 (1)(f), 73 (6)
offered under 7th order of business
73 (3)(a)
offered under 12th order of business
31 (13)
order of precedence during debate
organizing assembly, not impaired by motion for
reconsideration 73 (10)
presiding officer states and puts
proposals referred to calendar by motion
29 (1), 31 (13)
right to make, ends when roll call opened
65 (5)
seconding a motion 64, 95 (89)
Motions, questions, and requests in order during debate
57, 65, 66
Natural resources, committee on (standing committee)
9 (1)(s)
Negative committee recommendation, assembly action
News media: representatives of, admitted to
floor of assembly when engaged in
reporting proceedings 25 (3)
Newspapers: reading, not permitted during session
on floor or in galleries 26 (3)
Nonconcurrence (senate bills and joint resolutions):
adverse and final disposition 49 (1)(c)
definition of “nonconcurrence"
95 (50)
motion not permitted twice on same day at same stage
of proposal 72
precedence of motion for 65 (2)(h)
Nondebatable motions 67
Oath of office, speaker may administer
3 (1)(p)
Objections of governor sustained, adverse and
final disposition 49 (1)(h)
Offer (definition) 95 (50m)
Offering of resolutions and other matters addressed to
assembly 34, 39
Offering memorials to federal government prohibited 39 (1)
assembly 1
majority and minority parties 2
Opening new regular biennial session:
chief clerk presides 5 (1)(a)
rules of prior session continue until amended or rescinded
Opinion of attorney general (definition)
95 (51)
Order and decorum, see Decorum
Order of business:
daily calendar 29
hour of meeting 28
regular orders 31
resumed at point of interruption
32 (4)
roll call of attendance, while in seats
30 (1)
special 32 (3), 33
variations in regular 32
Organization, committee on assembly
9 (3)
approves employee pay plan for assembly
7 (2)
corrective amendment offered by
23 (2)
engrossing or enrolling of proposal,
supervises 5 (1)(e), 23 (2), (3)
examines appropriateness of legislative citation
joint resolution to recall proposal (after passage) for
further action 23 (3)
permitted to introduce proposals in special,
extended, or extraordinary session 93 (2)
staffing pattern, establishes for assembly
7 (4)
substantive corrections in proposal
23 (2), (3)
supervises copying for assembly
applicable to main questions unless otherwise specified
79 (3)
definition of “pair" 95 (52)
forms provided by chief clerk 79
invalidated if one party is present and votes
79 (2)
member signs and files with chief clerk
not applicable to amendments unless so specified
79 (3)
not applicable to procedural motions unless so specified
79 (3)
not counted as part of official result of vote
79 (4)
not counted to establish qualified majority or quorum 79 (5)
one or both parties thereto must be absent with leave
79 (1)
permitted on any question when members file a
signed statement with the chief clerk 79
read to assembly by chief clerk before vote is taken
Papers addressed to assembly, general requirements
34, 37